Lady and Couple Friendly
This is a special category of our escorts who like being with a lady. Dining at the Y is definitely an enthusiastic part of their skill set. For single women or for couples who want special attention paid to their female half, this is the place to make your selection. For pegging or toys, please request if desired. These girls have “bi” in their photo captions.
Bangkok Bisexual Escorts
Chiang-Mai Bisexual Escorts
Pattaya Bisexual Escorts
Phuket Bisexual Escorts
Couple Friendly – focus on the man
This group is girls who are happy to spend a night on the town, a holiday or a night in bed with a couple… but the focus in bed will be on the man. These girls have (cplf) in their captions.
Bangkok Couple-Friendly Escorts
Pattaya Couple-Friendly Escorts
Phuket Couple-Friendly Escorts
For questions about terminology, please check out Discreet Escorts Terminology Page.