Have a layover at Suvarnabhumi or Don Muang Airports, Bangkok and want some company?
Plan on 90 minutes for these escorts to get to your hotel near the airport. Other escorts that are willing to travel will take 120 – 150 minutes to reach your hotel. The Novotel is the fastest for our escorts to reach, many of the other hotels in the area take longer to reach because of one way streets and being off on side-streets/alleys (soi in Thai).
These ladies mostly make their home relatively close to Suvarnabhumi Airport and are available to provide services for those on layovers (if you have less than 4 hours layover, it is probably not possible to get someone to you without you being rushed). The Great Residence Hotel and Novotel Suvarnabhumi are both nearby and recommended. Please reimburse girls for taxi fare to whatever hotel (and back home) you are at (normally about 800 Thai Baht). There is no problem with sending girls to either hotel, but the Novotel Suvarnabhumi sometimes adds charges on the room charge. We cannot send ladies to the Louis’ Tavern Transit Hotel Dayrooms within Suvarnabhumi airport. Note that Bee is convenient to Don Muang and Suvarnabhumi Airports and Linda is convenient to Don Muang Airport.