Recently, we have received some requests for “extra services” meaning unprotected sex. Our escorts do not engage in this high risk behavior.
Some people think that the PEP is a solution that makes such behavior safe. It does not.
A few things to consider –
Any escort or freelancer or bargirl that is engaging in unprotected sex with you has likely engaged in unprotected sex with others. As long as someone is engaged in sexual relations, there is no way to be 100% sure they are HIV negative (the tests only show HIV once replication is well under way, so someone who was infected last week will usually not test positive – but they can pass on the infection).
PEP is intended to be taken as soon as possible after a risky interaction (within 72 hours) and continue to be taken for 28 days consecutively with no other risky interactions. Even then, it is roughly 80% effective.
Now, let me point out the problems there.
- Although girls get tested, they can never be 100% sure of being HIV negative unless they insist on condom use in all their sexual relations.
- With the widespread use of counterfeit medications in Thailand, there is a good chance that a PEP acquired here may not be legitimate.
- A sex worker cannot afford to go 28 days without working.
Fundamentally, this means that unprotected sex with a sexworker is high risk for the client and very high risk for the sexworker.
Suggested reading:
PEP fact sheet