As was noted a few weeks ago, we checked with each of our escorts over the past month or so, and all the escorts that show on the website now are escorts that are available in Bangkok (some may require notice), and who are continuing to work. In addition, we recruited three new escorts – Joy, Sky and Alice, who have each proved to be good additions with a great work ethic and commitment to customer happiness.
Having done all that, we decided we should put in some effort and update the website as a whole, so, although we retained the basic concept of the website, we have made a large number of changes to headings, links, captions, how the girl’s data is presented, etc. that are all intended to make it easier for our customers to find the information they need and book the lady that they want.
We can now be contacted by email, phone, WhatsApp, and Line. We have tried a chat plug in on the website in the past and found it wasn’t very effective, but are willing to hear from you on how you would like to contact us. Video calls will not be accepted or considered.
Tell us what you think of the new look, we’d love to hear.