First of all, some of you may notice that a couple of escorts have just been added and already have customer comments – that’s because they worked for us before Covid, and now have come back. The escorts I’m referring to are Hana (one of our most popular escorts ever) and Nana (who is great fun).
We’ve also added a number of new escorts – Nalin is our youngest escort, being barely 20, Janpen is a mature spinner who looks and acts young (and what a stunning body!), and Theresa is our newest addition to our Big Beautiful Women category.
Now for the bad news. We have removed two escorts from our representation. Alice has been one of our most popular escorts for the past 8 months, but she has too many infractions of our expectations to be kept. Appearing at a client sick, being late by hours, and other issues just were not appropriate for our agency. We hope she can come back when she has her life a bit better sorted out. The other removal is Jasmine, who has been popular and got great reviews. Unfortunately, a few days ago, a client took it on himself to hide a camera and film their tryst, a situation that led to Jasmine retiring. The client is blacklisted, of course.